The Keys to Selecting the Right Area Rug

Finding the perfect area rug for your home can be more complex than you might think. This is largely because it serves multiple purposes and is a big addition to your home. An area rug is meant to provide warmth and cushioning as well as adding an aesthetic element in whatever room you place it in. With that said, how exactly do you choose the best area rug on a budget?

The most basic requirement when selecting your rug is that it fits within the confines of the designated room so be sure to measure the dimensions before you begin shopping. A handy design tip to keep in mind- the area rug should be no less than six inches and no more than two feet away from the wall.

Of course, the style of your area rug is of utmost importance. While you want to purchase something that suits your color and texture preferences, you also want to choose a rug that feels comfortable underfoot and fits within your budget. Keep in mind how much foot traffic will be in this room, which could determine if you want a dark or light color, and consider some big 2014 area rug trends. Patterned rugs add a fun element to any room or try adding in a contrasting color using a bright or monochrome toned rug.

The texture of your area rug depends on your style and personal preference. Go simple with new carpet rug made of easy-to-clean Jute or synthetic materials, or opt for something luxurious made of leather or sheepskin.

With all of the above considerations it’s important to know where your new rug will be placed. Take note of the existing décor and color scheme to help you choose a design and pick the appropriate texture for the given room. If it is going to sit in your entryway, you might want something small and dark so that it can better hide mud or water stains brought in by foot traffic. However, in your bedroom you might prefer a soft and plush area rug next to your bed.

An area rug is a great addition to any home as it protects new hardwood flooring, adds style and provides comfort.

If you need help picking out which area rug would be best for your home, call the San Diego flooring professionals at Unique Flooring: 760.945.0010. We’d be happy to help you with any of your flooring needs!